Sparkle NVIDIA GeForce GT 520 1 GB DDR3 Graphics Card

By Sparkle Graphic Cards

Sparkle NVIDIA GeForce GT 520 1 GB DDR3 Graphics Card
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3,071 Best Price
- Graphics Engine: NVIDIA GeForce GT 520
- Bus Standard: PCI Express 2.0
- Gpu Clock: 810
- Cooling And Heatsink: Fan
- Memory: 1
- Microsoft DirectX v11, Open GL Optimization v4

Sparkle NVIDIA GeForce GT 520 1 GB DDR3 Graphics Card Price in India

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Sparkle NVIDIA GeForce GT 520 1 GB DDR3 Graphics Card Price Chart

This historic price trend graph will let know you the ups and downs in the price of Sparkle NVIDIA GeForce GT 520 1 GB DDR3 Graphics Card. According to the Historic Price Trends:

The lowest price recorded is 2,971
The highest price recorded is 3,071
Average recorded price is 3,059

Price of Sparkle NVIDIA GeForce GT 520 1 GB DDR3 Graphics Card in India today is Rs. 3,071.00, updated on 23rd September 2024

Full specifications and features

Market Status: Unavailable

Graphics Engine NVIDIA GeForce GT 520
Bus Standard PCI Express 2.0
Gpu Clock 810
Cooling And Heatsink Fan
Model Id GeForce GT 520
Shader Shader Version 5
Processors And Cores 48 Stream Processor
Supported Os Windows 7, Windows XP, Windows Vista
Domestic Term 3
Memory Bit 64-bit
Memory 1
Memory Unit GB
Memory Desc DDR3
Technologies Supported
Graphics Technologies Supported Microsoft DirectX v11, Open GL Optimization v4
Dvi And Hdmi Interface Yes x Dual Link DVI Out, 1 x HDMI Output Out
Vga D Sub Output 1xVGA DSub Output
Warranty Summary Incase of any issues please contact 1800-221-988
Covered In Warranty Manufacturing Defects
Not Covered In Warranty Forceful Tampering, Burnt, Mishandling and Physical Damage
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