Compare Lava KKT 14s with Mymax M286
Lava KKT 14s vs Mymax M286 Comparison on Lowest price of Lava KKT 14s is 1200 on and Mymax M286 lowest price is 889 . Compare Lava KKT 14s with Mymax M286 specifications, features, score, prices and Pros & cons as well for better decision making.
Compare Lava KKT 14s vs Mymax M286
Lava KKT 14s v/s Mymax M286 |
Mymax M286 has bigger 2.8 inch screen than Lava KKT 14s(1.8 inch). |
Mymax M286 features 1.3 MP rear camera which is better than Lava KKT 14s. |
Both Lava KKT 14s and Mymax M286 feature front camera. |