Compare Lava IvoryE with Wacom CTL-671
Lava IvoryE vs Wacom CTL-671 Comparison on Lowest price of Lava IvoryE is 7999 and Wacom CTL-671 lowest price is 7200 on Compare Lava IvoryE with Wacom CTL-671 specifications, features, score, prices and Pros & cons as well for better decision making.
Compare Lava IvoryE vs Wacom CTL-671
Lava IvoryE Pros & Cons
- Light outfit
- Decent configuration
- Dual-SIM slots
- Inexpensive
- Non-removable battery
- Poor display
Wacom CTL-671 Pros & Cons
- Classic display
- High end graphics
- Good Processor
- Doesn't support voice calling
Lava IvoryE v/s Wacom CTL-671 |
Wacom CTL-671 has bigger 7.44 inch screen than Lava IvoryE(7 inch). |
Lava IvoryE features 2 MP rear camera which is better than Wacom CTL-671. |
Both Lava IvoryE and Wacom CTL-671 feature front camera. |