Interesting New Features of Whatsapp You Should Check Right away

Interesting New Features of Whatsapp You Should Check Right away

Groups have been a central element of the popular Whatsapp messaging app. Facebook-owned Whatsapp has recently started rolling out a beta update of the app which will offer more admin controls. It will allow an admin to disallow editing of group details by regular members. Moreover, an admin can now grant or revoke admin permissions.

These features are can be experienced after installing the new WhatsApp update via Google Play Store on Android smartphones or on Apple Store for iOS devices.

Group Description

Group Description in WhatsApp is the place where an admin can explain the purpose, guidelines, or topic of the group. The new update shows the group description to every new member of a group at the top of the chat; so, every new group member can understand what the group is all about. It will help admin to control misconduct in the group.

Interesting New Features of Whatsapp You Should Check Right away

Group Catch-up

Sometimes it becomes tedious to go through the entire conversation thread in a group to search for the relevant messages. This task becomes even worse especially when you haven’t checked the group in a while (certainly, you won’t be able to read each and every message). The Group Catch-up feature on Whatsapp will bring a ‘@’ button using which you can quickly find only the messages in which your name has been mentioned or your message has been replied by someone in the group.

Participant Search

Finding someone from the group member list was a pain till now, but it won’t be the case anymore. Go to the group info page and you will get an option to find a group participant there.

Admin Controls

It allows admin to set permissions which will disallow regular group members from editing the group title, description, and photo. These settings are available in ‘Edit group info’ section. You will get two admin control options – ‘Only admins’ and ‘All participants’. You can select any of these options to provide permissions regarding who can edit group details.

No one can remove Group founder

Furthermore, the founder admin of a group cannot be removed from a group. Admin can withdraw the admin permissions from any user. Also, if you are tired of being added to a group even if you have left it for multiple times, the new update will provide you with an ease. You will not get an option to prevent a group admin(s) to add yourself to the same group again and again.